‘07年1月に結成、エレクトロ・デュオ。自主制作で2枚のMIX CDをリリース後、様々な国内外アーティストとの共演を経て楽曲制作を開始。オリジナル楽曲やリミックスがSNSを通じて話題となり、初期作品集の12”シングル『DISDRIVE EP』(2008/04)は即完売を記録。以後、フル・アルバム6作品、リミックス集やダンス・トラック集をリリースし、シーンの垣根を越えて活躍を続けている。
80KIDZ a Japanese electronic music duo formed in January 2007. After releasing some self-produced DJ mixes, they began producing and performing music with various domestic and international artists. Their early original songs and remixes went viral via the internet and SNS gaining them attention and helping them to sell out of their first 12" Vinyl release "DISDRIVE EP"(April 2008) in record time. Afterwards they have released 6 full albums, remix albums and dance music albums for which has made them a staple artist across the broad scene of Japan, and their works helped to bridge and crossover the various music scenes.